Return to Sender

A Burning Man Time Capsule

Imagine stepping into a vast, open desert where creativity, community, and self-expression thrive in a temporary city that comes to life once a year. This is Burning Man, a place like no other, where art is not just something you look at—it’s something you participate in.

This art project is an invitation to connect with your future self and with the shared experiences of those around you. Here’s how it works: as you explore the desert, you’ll come across a special installation—a time capsule. It’s designed to encourage a moment of introspection and creativity.

You’ll find postcards that are ready to be mailed, with a simple but powerful task: write a message to your future self. It could be a reflection on where you are in life, a hope for the future, or just something you want to remember. Once you’ve written your note, drop it into the time capsule.

Here’s where the project becomes even more special. In ten years, everyone who participated will have the chance to return to the same spot, at the same time, to open the time capsule together. It’s a chance to reconnect with the person you were and see how far you’ve come. If you can’t make it back, your postcard will be mailed from the desert, sent on a journey to find you, wherever you may be.

This project is more than just writing a postcard; it’s about creating a shared experience of reflection and growth, connecting the present with the future in a way that’s deeply personal yet shared with a community. It’s an opportunity to leave a piece of yourself in a place where time stands still, and to rediscover it years later, alongside others who did the same.

Check out our Black Rock City 2024 Art Installation listing.


Industrial Art


Black Rock City, NV


August 2024

random shape
random shape


© 2024 — Return to Sender



© 2024 — Return to Sender



© 2024 — Return to Sender